Medical City Healthcare | Take Care | Spring 2019

In January 2017, Emily spoke to her doctor—Monica Diaz, MD, an OB-GYN at Medical City Dallas Women’s Hospital . “We thought it was going to take a very long time to get preg- nant, if I even could get pregnant,” EMILY HARRIS, a 30-year-old public relations director in Frisco, doubted she would ever be able to get pregnant because of a history of endometriosis. Endometriosis is a painful condition in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it, often resulting in infertility. But Emily and her husband, Jeremy, wanted a baby of their own. Emily said. “I was shocked when Dr. Diaz confirmed I was six weeks pregnant at the end of February.” In spite of the positive test re- sults and encouraging checkups, Emily’s water broke only halfway Medical City Dallas Women’s Hospital experts make it possible A baby of their own through her pregnancy. After days in the hospital on bed rest, she developed an infection from the compromised amniotic fluid and lost the baby that she and her hus- band had already come to love. “There were no words and not High-risk OB 4